Thursday, February 4, 2010

post mortem: an ode to agustin "eddy" jeudy

post mortem: an ode to agustin "eddy" jeudy

over pineapples & tea leaves
we spoke of smiles & poetry
& for one moment we all wanted
that old kitchen table to crack open
& give birth to a new lazarus.
one who would speak to us in creole,
show us what lights we couldn’t see
as our toes tap-tapped to the compas.

eagerly we awaited the slightest of sound.

warm fire.
baby’s breath.

but that old piece didn’t budge.
even when we kicked its wooden
legs & prayed in secret for momentum
that damned table sat unmoved
leaving us with only our eyes

John Medeiros
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Doctors Without Borders