Sunday, March 14, 2010

After the Earthquake

After the Earthquake

Burnish your public image by airlifting relief to Haiti.

Pose for pictures next to medical supplies for Haiti.

Alert the media about your students’ fund drive for Haiti.

Talk about regime change for the failed state of Haiti.

Film looters for Fox News from Haiti.

Put your volunteers in yellow T-shirts for photo ops milking the disaster in Haiti.

Write an Op-Ed giving historical perspective on Haiti.

Comfort the teenager whose whole family perished in Haiti.

Post a blog showing off your knowledge about Haiti.

Click at a website and send your credit card number to somewhere else not Haiti.

Scam the elderly with your bogus charity for Haiti.

Go to church, pray for the fate of the world including Haiti.

Deal privately with your guilt about ignoring Haiti.

Nancy C. Keating
Babylon, New York, USA
Doctors Without Borders.